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10 reviews
I'd never heard of Rob Moore prior to reading Money - Know More, Make More, Give More. The book came up as recommended by Amazon based on something I'd recently bought. Since initially buying the Audible book in April 2018, I've purchased three paperbacks for friends/family and one for myself. And I've re-listened to the Audible book. Rob's book has been nothing short of transformative for me and my husband. Husband - PhD in Economics from a top Uni. After his family experienced difficult money problems when my husband was a teenager, his relationship with money has always been complex. He's made a lot, but never enough to assure him that he didn't have to worry. He felt guilty when he had extra yet was hesitant to give any away (including to charities, as tips, etc.) Let's just say he always managed his money VERY carefully, but still was never happy/relaxed that he was in a good place, despite saving an impressive amount. Me - since age 13 when I started babysitting, then waiting on tables to earn money through Uni, I've always had a "spend it while you have it" attitude. Apart from a sizeable private pension that (thankfully) my mum urged me to invest in in my early 20s, I've never saved a penny. In 15 years of marriage, we've had our share of spats and disputes - no more or less than the average couple, I think. And the one thing at the root of every single one of these disagreements - money. Looking back through the years, I'm sure each of us felt like we were "right". Husband trying to keep the money in the bank, invest wisely for a rainy day and me trying to "live for the moment" and be over generous with charities and homeless people and stray cats... (you name it) while severely undercharging for my consulting services and not bringing in my share of the income. This book has given us so much. It offers a stunning combination of history money and wealth, mechanics of money and the philosophy/psychology of poverty vs. wealth. It has pointed out that both of us have so much to learn about money. As Rob points out, learning to make a lot of money is a bit like learning to play golf, or a piano.. or to do anything that requires skill; learn from the people you respect the most, take risks and practice. But more fundamental than that, Rob urges the reader to understand his/her purpose in life; what do you have to offer that makes you unique in the world and that few, if any, could do better. And then he asks us to master that skill and charge what we're worth, and no less! "Fair Exchange" is a concept that Rob uses throughout the book in his urging to get people to stop underselling themselves. But the book is so much more than that. It really offers a complete set of practical knowledge paired with ideas and tools to support wealth creation. Whether you want to tweak an already good relationship with money or whether you need an entire overhaul, this book has content that will have you considering and reconsidering how you see money. This book has fundamentally changed both me and my husband as individuals. It offers a common vocabulary for us to share when we talk about how we've hindered ourselves (and our marriage) in the past through our ignorance of money matters. Both of us have made dramatic changes in how we view and treat money - moving us each toward a healthy middle ground. Since reading this book two months ago, we have not had a single argument. Not one. It's like this book has equipped us with a new lens with which to view everything - projects, investments, bank accounts, whether to tip a waiter, everything. We are super excited as we apply Rob's concepts to our personal and business affairs. So far, very good!! I'm only hoping that Rob soon decides to write a verison of this book for parents to help bring some of these concepts into raising the next generation. And I hope he gets involved in a charity/cause to see that teenagers and young adults receive some of this guidance in school. So many lives would be dramatically improved if we could instil healthy money views and habits in people early in life.
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justin eastman
Written in a way that appealed to me from page one. This book has given me great insight into the financial world and lots of food for thought about my future and prompted me to act now. JFDI👍🏼
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Some gems of advice. Definitely a good read and I would recommend this book to anyone who needs some quick education on Money.
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Michael Kalisperas
In "Money Matrix," Rob Moore, drawing from his extensive experience, delivers a roadmap to success that resonates deeply. With a career marked by achievements and a reputation as a trusted figure in the property, financial, marketing domains to name a few, Rob's insights carry a weight of authenticity. His ability to break down complex concepts into a simplified and sensible framework sets this book apart. Having deep trust in Rob Moore as an author and mentor adds a layer of credibility to the guidance provided in "Money Matrix." His analytical approach, coupled with a genuine desire to see others succeed, creates a narrative that goes beyond the pages. This trust instills a sense of confidence in readers, making the journey to financial empowerment not just informative but also personally empowering. As I delved into the book, I couldn't help but feel the blend of hope, joy, and drive that Rob's words infused into every page. It's more than just a guide; it's a testament to the mentorship of someone who has walked the walk. For those seeking a path to success guided by someone with proven experience and earned trust, "Money Matrix" stands out as an invaluable companion on the journey to financial fulfillment. Happy to recommend Michael Kalisperas
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Sharon Griffiths
I bought 5 books, kept 2 for me, one to scribble on and one to just read. I have one to my eldest daughter for her 22nd birthday, hoping she’d read it, I have 2 to give to friends who are at stage they need to challenge their belief systems about work and money.. Excellent introduction, using accessible language and sector specific terminology, from a book that enables newbies such as me into a new chosen path see the term, noun and outcome of ‘Money’in different light to how I’d viewed it before. It’s an excellent tool to help with paradigm shift, as you reconsider and review that Einstein saying. ‘If you’ve always done what you’ve always done, it’s madness to expect something different to happen..’. so it’s a great resource to help shift you out of a comfort zone and mindset you are not happily in. Ideas and suggested actions really reinforced ideas from previous books I am still reading that Rob has written and also really hit the aspect and traditional embedded belief systems of working hard for others in relation to working hard for and with yourself, but also in relation to helping others.. as you can go back to it time and time again if you have that tendency to waiver from your evolving plan and ideas you develop when reading the book. This book provides an excellent example of a role model to seriously consider when moving forward with your chosen path at whatever level you choose., as well as enabling your children to see what they may see as they grow and develop. I secrete myself away and read this book when I make the time to do so. Like doing physical exercise, teading and learning from this book is mental exercise as my angel dancers in my brain consistently fire as I always learn something new. However, my brain can only absorb so much, so each time I read, I start by re reading a little of what I read before, always seeing and learning something new and no matter where I start each new time. I liked the intro, very engaging .. that of reading Robs life history and how his past life, experiences, the people he met and beliefs impacted on who’s future choices he made. Finally, this book does give hope, making you realise there is another way, to achieving what you want to, but if you’re expecting to do it... with no effort on your’s highly unlikely this will happen, because you need to challenge yourself, take action, not give up and work with others to start the process of living your dream.. after all you are responsible for your choices you make..would have liked writing to be a bit bigger, as makes for easier reading. . However, this £10 investment goes a long way to help you umderstand the potential of what you could do...
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O livro chegou rápido e em bom estado.
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Owen S
Money. Money. Money. What is it? A commodity we all need to survive. It has the power to drastically transform lives for better or worse. Rob Moore believes Money is a game you can win. But, you first have to understand the rules. His book, Money: Know More, Make More, Give More will teach you how to make more money and transform your life. Rob is a successful entrepreneur, investor, 18x best-selling author, 2x world record holder, and podcaster! He has achieved a ton in his life. One of the biggest lessons he has learned revolves around understanding how money works, how to make more of it, and live the life you deserve. This book is your next step to achieving a life of being financially independent and fully confident in your ability to take care of yourself and your family. Known as The Disruptive Entrepreneur, Rob will take you on a ride to define what money is, highlight the major money myths, share money mastery strategies and systems, and more! An all-encompassing manual to supercharge your habits revolving around making money AND keeping it! The self-made millionaire has tons to share and by the end of reading it, you will be confident to change your life as he did! Make 2022 your best year financially and it can start with reading this book. Last note, this book has over 1,000 reviews on Amazon! It has been beneficial for me along with many others!
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You are searching the ways how to make more money. Where are you lacking? How to build up the new areas? What to do in the most adverse situations? everything means everything this book covers about money. Even a person in a big debt can get out his debts by using the techniques and methods described in this book. ******
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Dr. Thay Joe Tan
I had the privilege to get to know Rob personally in October 2023 at his head office in Peterborough. Since then I have participated in many of his events in Peterborough and London. Topics were property, money and business in general. I chose to fly in from Germany every single time because Rob delivers amazing value. I have been to at least 2 money maker summit events where Rob allowed to share part of his book content. From this I can tell what to expect from this book though I have not finished reading this book ... it will be ONE LIKE NO OTHER ... as Rob is himself ... 🙏❤️😊
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such a good book, they should teach this in schools. Very modern advice, some may say it's common sense but I have such a different outlook on money now. I'm blown away.
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  • Publisher John Murray One (2 Aug. 2018)
  • Language English
  • Paperback 416 pages
  • ISBN-10 1473641330
  • ISBN-13 978-1473641334
  • Dimensions 12.83 x 2.54 x 19.69 cm
  • Best Sellers Rank See Top 100 in Books